Ofsted Report

Children are keen to find staff and friends to share their experiences with. Their individual needs are met well by a knowledgeable staff team who are positive, welcoming and enthusiastic. Children's learning is promoted well, through a good range of activities and learning opportunities overall, that promote the children's interests and experiences and offer appropriate challenges. The children respond well to the staff's positive interaction and show good language skills and developing problem solving skills.

There is good organisation of resources, staff and the environment to support children in their play. Staff provide exciting play areas. Children have independent access to a wide range of activities and play provision that is planned for and set up by staff each day, as well as having free access to initiate their own learning, such as arts and crafts materials, puzzles and construction.

Children behave well and have good manners responding to the gentle reminders of staff so that they play well together, share, take turns and consider the feelings and needs of others. They learn about diversity and difference through planned themes that celebrate a rang of cultural festivals, such as Easter and Chinese New Year and have access to resources that raise their awareness of the wider world in which we live.

Positive relationships have been formed with parents, which enables both parties to work well together to ensure that children are secure and well cared for. Staff work very well together a a team.

They are positive and enthusiastic in their approach and have regular opportunities to contribute and share towards decisions. Children are happy and motivated to learn. They manage tasks confidently for themselves. They relate well to familiar adults and each other as they engage in their play, showing enthusiasm and interest in the activities offered. Children have a good introduction to leading healthy lifestyles and keeping themselves safe. They benefit from the regular opportunites to engage in physical activities, enjoying the freedom to run around and develop their ball skills in the large open field.

Children have good opportunities to develop their problem solving and number skills through planned activities.

Children also have good opportunities to develop thier mark making skills through some planned activities.

Children use their language and communication skills with confidence to share their thoughts and ideas.

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